The Future Needs All of Us.

If you’re here, it’s because you’ve been nominated to be a HERO.  We're on a mission to grow from 1,240 to 10,000 and then to over 1,000,000 citizens. We aim to empower you to make a significant impact on the environment that affects our lives and communities in 2025, a pivotal year when solutions like solar power and electric vehicles become accessible to all.

Help us reach our next milestone:

10, 000 Citizens

By signing the pledge, you are becoming part of a global network of citizens prepared to take simple, impactful actions on climate when it matters most, such as supporting the campaign for the Climate and Nature Bill in the UK - a science-led plan backed by lawmakers from all major political parties!

Sign the Pledge.

• I believe in leaving a cleaner and healthier world for my family, friends and future generations.

• I recognize that real change requires active involvement from everyday people like me, at key moments where our voices and actions can make a difference.

• I support an energy transition that is fair and beneficial for everyone.